Russia warns of clash over Ukraine aid

Russia warns of clash over Ukraine aid

Russia threatens direct confrontation with West over Ukraine Military Aid

Russia issued a stark warning, stating that military support from the United States and its allies to Ukraine could lead to a direct clash between the world's major nuclear powers. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov expressed grave concerns about the escalating situation, emphasizing the potential catastrophic consequences of such a conflict.

Western support for Ukraine

Lavrov accused the United States, Britain, and France of backing Ukraine militarily, pushing the world to the brink of a dangerous confrontation. He highlighted the Western nuclear states' role in sponsoring what Russia perceives as a "criminal" regime in Kyiv, heightening the risk of nuclear conflict.

Russia emphasized the rising nuclear risks since the conflict began. Putin's portrayal of the war as a battle against a West that has encroached on Russia's sphere of influence underscores the gravity of the situation. The West's portrayal of the conflict as an imperial land grab by Russia only adds to the tensions.

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With the current crisis, Lavrov stated that there is no basis for dialogue with the United States on arms control. He accused the West of seeking to impose restrictions on Russia's nuclear arsenal while advancing its own military capabilities. Lavrov condemned the West's development of a global missile defense system and its propaganda efforts to discredit Russia.

Space Weaponization concerns

Russia raised concerns about the West's actions in space, accusing it of preparing to deploy weapons and develop military capabilities beyond Earth. Lavrov emphasized Russia's opposition to the deployment of nuclear weapons in space and called for international agreements to prevent weaponization of outer space.

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Despite the heightened tensions, Russia reiterated its commitment to developing international agreements to prevent the weaponization of outer space. Lavrov emphasized the importance of establishing legally binding instruments to ensure peaceful cooperation and prevent the deployment of weapons beyond Earth's atmosphere.

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